My Strange Addiction – Ice Craving Could Be A Sign Of Oral Health Problem

Whether it’s a habit of boredom or nervousness, people like to chew on things. The end of a pen, the tip of a straw, and a popular favorite: ice. You are probably aware that this mindless chewing habit is detrimental to your teeth but why? Carolina’s Dental Choice wants to discuss the dangers of chewing ice and what it means for your teeth. 

Pagophagia, the formal name for craving ice, can be a sign of some pretty serious oral health issues. For starters, ice is hard and cold and chewing on it could cause lasting damage to your teeth. Since ice is so hard, it can cause internal cracks in your teeth. This can be very painful and require a lot of treatment. It can also cause damage to the enamel and will likely need enamel restoration to reverse the damage. 

The actual craving of ice could be even more serious than the effect the ice has on your teeth. Craving ice could be a sign of anemia. Anemia is the lack of iron in blood. Anemia often causes oral inflammation which in turn can leave you craving ice to sooth the inflammation. 

Anemia is very common and can be treated with a simple iron supplement, but if left untreated it could cause problems. To find out if your ice craving is due to anemia, ask your doctor for a simple blood test to check your iron levels. 

If you are worried that your teeth may be damaged from an ice chewing habit, contact Carolina’s Dental Choice. One of our amazing dentist can examine your teeth for any enamel damage or tooth cracks. If there is a problem our team will work with you to get your teeth back to a healthy state.


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