
Showing posts from 2018

Gifts to Make Them Smile | Holiday Gift Guide

Carolina's Dental Choice Wishes you a Happy Holidays

Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Teeth As Tools: How Our Teeth Have Been Used Throughout History

The 411 on 3D Imaging at Carolina’s Dental Choice

Did you know: The hardest tissue in the body is the enamel covering our teeth.

Saliva Prevents Tooth Decay - Interesting Facts From Carolina's Dental Choice

Yes, We Offer the Latest Technology in Dental Implants

Summer is a Great Time To ...... Visit Your Dentist!

Stay Healthy - Visit Your Dentist

Solving Tooth Loss with Dental Implants: The Closest Replacements to Your Natural Teeth

Carolina's Dental Choice - Offering a Complete Line of Dental Services To Make You Smile

Why Is The ADA Asks Congress for $44 Million?